Artiloft x Zabava
16 декабря с 16 до 19 clock
17 декабря с 15 до 18 часов
Please note that this may be the last day of the year.
This time of day and date is the first time!
My master is a new master, playing with a game, петь новогодние песни. Нас ждётаквагрим,хоровод вокруг елки,diskette ипраздничные угощения!
And this is your address for those who love it!
Program below:
16 - 17 clocks- творческие master, aquarium
17 - 18 clocks - Song and horoscope in Russian language and professional music льным музыкантом, Ларисой Стрельниковой
18 - 19 clocks - view Moroza, download the device and drive
Цена: 80 franckov and person. Skip 5 francs in the code NEWYEAR for the best seller of the Artifact. Забавы. The most recent ticket for your loved ones -20 francs(in this case, you can see the light, shine, and shine).
Online-registration is provided, but it is also a small part of the network.
This is what I said last year: