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  • Terms and conditions
    By purchasing a subscription plan from Artiloft or subscribing to the newsletter for yourself or your child, you automatically agree to our terms and conditions. The participant (you or your child) will be referred to below as a “student”. The company is registered in the name of an independent company, Ksenia Astakhova (IDE: CHE-470.723.666), Rue de Cossonay 146 1020 Renens, and will be referred to below as "Artiloft". REGISTRATION 1. Course registration is only done after full pre-payment and online booking via our website, "Courses" page.a) If online pre-payment cannot be executed, offline payment in cash, TWINT or card is possible in the studio before the start of the course. The student must still be pre-registered manually by our web-admin by contacting info@artiloft.chb) If the student did not come to the reserved session and did not pay but pre-registered online, he must still pay the full amount of the course.c) Participation may be refused to a student who has not registered online in advance due to a lack of free places.d) The place is guaranteed only to the student who has received a confirmation e-mail.2. Each time the student wishes to come to the course, he must reserve a place in advance online via the website using his prepaid subscription or paying per session. Weekly lessons can also be booked in advance. We suggest using this option to guarantee a place in your desired course.3. The subscription plan can be used freely for any of the courses of your choice. You can book as many lessons of your choice in the week as you wish.4. If the reservation has not been made by the student well in advance and he does not have a confirmation letter - Artiloft does not guarantee a free place in the group.5. The course may be canceled by Artiloft the same day or the day before due to an insufficient number of registered students. Registered students will be notified by email and the session will be returned to their subscription plan.6. If the student cannot book a class online, it means the group is full or the class has been cancelled. In this case, we suggest that you turn to the other course or to the other date. To avoid this problem in the future, we recommend booking well in advance. CANCELLATION POLICY 1. A reserved weekly or private lesson can be canceled free of charge online ( from your (student) account, “my reservations” page no later than 24 hours before the start. In this case, the session falls back to your subscription plan. After 24 hours the full charge will be applied, the session will be removed from your subscription.2. A reserved special course / event / workshop can be canceled free of charge online ( from your (student) account, “my reservations” page no later than 48 hours before the start. In this case, the session falls back to your subscription plan. After 48 hours, the full charge will be applied, the session will be removed from your subscription.3. If the student has not executed the cancellation in time but is sure that he will not be able to participate, he can find another person taking the place. The name of the person and his contact must be announced to our web-admin by contacting info@artiloft.ch4. Lost sessions cannot be exchanged, renewed or refunded.5. The course may be canceled by Artiloft the same day or the day before due to an insufficient number of registered students. Registered students will be notified by email and the session will be returned to their subscription plan. REFUND POLICY 1. Full refunds for special workshops/events/courses are made upon request if the cancellation policy has been executed correctly and on time by the participant. a) If you (the student) have not requested a refund, you will have a credit note or a ticket in your account on our website, which you can use in the future for the another corresponding workshop. Be sure to check the expiration date.2. If the cancellation has not been executed in time (see the "cancellation policy"), no refund will be applied.3. Full refund of the subscription plan is executed if Artiloft fails to provide most of the services or courses mentioned on www.artiloft.ch4. Illnesses, health problems, relocations, force majeure or other private circumstances of the student are not eligible for reimbursement of his subscription. MEMBERSHIP PACKAGES 1. Each subscription formula has an expiration date which is indicated on the "Rates" page of our website a) You will also see the expiration date of your purchased subscription plan in your personal account on our website, as well as the number of remaining sessions and your reservation history. 2. The subscription plan is automatically extended during public holidays and school days established in the canton VD, Switzerland or when Artiloft is closed.3. During the validity of your subscription, you can book any class of your choice, there is no limit per day or per week. You don't have to come to the same class every week.4. The subscription cannot be extended at your request for personal reasons.5. The subscription plan can be extended only in case of serious illness of the student by providing the official medical documents.6. Each subscription plan is registered for a single student and cannot be used by multiple participants.7. We offer a 10% discount for a subscription plan purchased by the second, third family member, etc. for the same period.8. After the expiration date, all unattended courses in your subscription will be forfeited. You cannot exchange, renew or refund them.9. The trial lesson ticket can only be used once per student. 10. The subscription plan can only be purchased for the current academic year. All purchases beyond the one year time limit will either be automatically cancelled/ignored or inactive. TEACHER'S RESPONSIBILITY 1. Artiloft teachers are responsible for ensuring quality supervision and teaching to students corresponding to the name, description and time slot of the chosen course.2. Artiloft teachers are responsible for providing all necessary materials for students participating in the private lesson.3. Artiloft teachers are not responsible for your or your child's health or personal belongings. STUDENT RESPONSIBILITY 1. The student is responsible for arriving and departing on time for the reserved session.2. Children must be accompanied on entry to Artiloft by their parent or guardian. Children are not allowed to go out alone after class without the supervision of their parents or guardian.3. The student is responsible for behaving properly, listening and responding to the teacher's instructions.4. The student should handle the workshop materials with care. In the event of damage to Artiloft's property (equipment or furniture), the student may be fined.5. In case of inappropriate or bad behavior, the student can be excluded from a particular course or in general from Artiloft. PERSONAL DATA 1. Artiloft and Wix are responsible for ensuring that your personal data will be stored securely and used only in the proper way and cannot be distributed to third parties.2. Your email will be used by Artiloft to receive a newsletter and necessary information about your account, reserved and canceled sessions, etc.3. You (the student) agree that teachers may take photos or videos of you (or your child) and your artwork during the session which may be used in Artiloft's social media.4. For security reasons, the hidden camera can film the class during the lesson and the students accept it. These videos may only be used by Artiloft in an emergency. PARKING 1. Parking on Mont Robert Road is prohibited. The “visitor” places belong to the neighbors and not to Artiloft unfortunately.2. Artiloft takes no responsibility if you receive a parking fine at these locations.3. The nearest free car park is located rue Sur La Croix. Please consult the diagram on the “Contact” page of our website CLOSING REMARKS Disputes and breach of these terms and conditions will be submitted and determined in accordance with Swiss law. All changes to this document must be in writing and signed by both parties (student and Artiloft).
  • Legal Notice
    Last updated on December 20, 2023Legal responsible: Mrs. Ksenia AstakhovaIDE: CHE-470.723.666​Contact​Tel.: 078 08 34. 81 54​E-Mail:​ARTILOFTAddress: Chemin de Montelly 8 1007 LausanneOpening hours With some exceptions, Monday to Friday: 9:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.​Saturdays and public holidays open depending on scheduled workshops or courses​Responsible for the entire website: Mrs. Ksenia Astakhova​Intellectual property and other rights​Mrs. Ksenia Astakhova/ ARTILOFT is the owner and operator of this portal. All brands,names, titles, logos, images, graphics, texts and other elements appearing therein are the property of Madame orone of its contractual partners. No rights (rights of use, intellectual property, etc.) ariseviewing, downloading or copying pages from the site. Total or partial reproduction,transmission (electronic or by other means), modification, use of the portal, or addition of linkson or to the latter for public or commercial purposes are prohibited without prior written permission fromMrs. Ksenia Astakhova/ ARTILOFTHostWIX.comResponsibilityDespite the great attention she pays to the accuracy of the information disseminated on this site, Ms. KseniaAstakhova/ ARTILOFT cannot assume any responsibility for the fidelity, timeliness and completeness ofthese informations.Mrs. Ksenia Astakhova/ ARTILOFT expressly reserves the right to modify in part or in whole thecontent of this site, delete it or temporarily suspend its distribution, at any time andwithout prior warning.Mrs. Ksenia Astakhova/ ARTILOFT cannot be held responsible for material damage orintangible assets which could be caused by access to the information disseminated or by their use or non-useuse, misuse of the connection or technical problems.Data protectionThe Federal Constitution, federal and cantonal laws on data protection provide thateveryone has the right to protection of their private sphere as well as protection against the abusive use ofdata which concerns it. Mrs. Ksenia Astakhova /ARTILOFT strictly observes these provisions.Any request is addressed to info@artiloft.chWhen accessing our website, the following data is recorded: IP address, date, time,numbering of the navigation software as well as information generally transmitted on the systemrespectively on the navigation software. This is non-personal information onlynot allowing you to be identified. This data allows site administrators to carry outanonymous statistical evaluations, in order to recognize trends used to improve the offer.When you register your email address, it is stored in a databaseseparated. You have the possibility to cancel your registration at any time by contacting info@artiloft.chCookies and analytical toolsThis site uses Wix Analytics, a website traffic analysis service provided by Wix. Wix Analytics usescookies to help the website analyze the use of the site by its users. The data generatedby cookies are transmitted and stored by Wix. Wix uses this information for the purpose of evaluatingthe use of the site by its visitors and to compile reports on the activity of the site for its publisher.Wix may communicate this data to third parties in the event of a legal obligation. Wix undertakes to nevercross-reference your IP address with any other data held by Wix. You can disable the use ofcookies by selecting the appropriate settings on your browser. However, such deactivationcould prevent the use of certain features of this site. By using this website you agreethat Wix processes data about you in the manner and for the purposes described above.Hypertext linksMs. Ksenia Astakhova/ARTILOFT may provide references and links to other websites or pagesweb. Access to and use of these sites or web pages is at the users’ own risk. Mrs. KseniaAstakhova/ ARTILOFT expressly declares that it has no influence on the form and content of the sitesto which it refers. The information and services offered by these sites are entirely the responsibility oftheir authors.
  • If I buy a subscription, do I still have to come to the   same class?"
    Not necessarily, you can change classes and try different ones, you are free to attend any classes you like. If you missed a week, you can come twice the other week for example.
  • Can I pay for a course or should I buy a subscription?
    You can pay for a class which is 50 CHF for 2 hours. On the other hand, the first lesson is only 25 CHF for you to try. The only classes that do not have a trial policy are: Special Workshop and Live Model. We suggest that you buy subscriptions, as it is much more profitable for your pocket.
  • What is the cancellation policy?
    The course can be canceled free of charge 24 hours before the start. After 24 hours, the full charge will be applied. The special workshop can be canceled free of charge 48 hours before the start. After 48 hours, the full charge will be applied.
  • Should I bring my own gear?
    All materials are provided at Artiloft, however, if you feel more familiar with your own brushes or paints, feel free to bring them.
  • Do classes run in French language only?
    No, our teachers speak fluently English (all), French (all), Russian (Ksenia) and Portugese (Hélia). Don't hesitate to join if you are not a French speaker, we will explain you everything with pleasure :)
  • Is it possible to have a birthday or party in your space?
    Yes, we will be very happy to organize a creative party designed especially for your occasion. Do not hesitate to contact us, we have many ideas :)
  • Do you give private lessons?
    Yes, at the chosen time, when there are no group lessons. The cost of a private session is 70 CHF per hour.
  • Are the topics the same for beginners and advanced participants?
    No, we adapt to the level of each student and each receives a personal task and progresses at their own pace. We have the same topics as in special workshops.
  • What are the prices and discounts?
    You can consult our prices here: We offer a 10% discount to a second family member who purchases the subscription during the same period.
  • What are Artiloft's closing dates?
    Artiloft is closed on official VD canton holidays as well as in August and the last week of December. Artiloft remains open and operates normally during school holidays. Closures are counted in subscription plans and no extensions are possible due to closures.
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