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Image by Pawel Czerwinski

Holiday camp for children from 7 to 12 y.o. in Lausanne and Montreux: 
art + science

Inspired by the works of Leonardo da Vinci, Maurits Escher, Piero della Francesca and other great scientists and at the same time artists, we have created this course in collaboration with XLABS Lausanne. This mixture of art and science opens up horizons and offers your children the possibility of exploring the world through a multidisciplinary approach: making the paper, your handmade watercolors, pastel pencils, markers and then using them to create your works of art.

Next dates, registration at the bottom of the page:

14.09.24 - 18.09.24 - Montreux

21.09.24 - 25.09.24 - Lausanne

17.02.25 - 21.02.25 - Lausanne

14.04.25 - 18.04.25 - Montreux

21.04.25 - 25.04.25 - Lausanne

Here is the program:

Day 1


Morning:  Liquid acrylics artwork creation

Afternoon:  The art of crafting: handmade paper, making alcohol markers


Day 2


Morning:  Gradient artwork with homemade alcohol markers

Afternoon: Producing our own watercolour paint

Day 3


Morning:  Cyanotype or monotype printing technique
(according to weather conditions)

Afternoon:  Transform the microscopic world into art


Day 4


Morning: Painting an artwork with our own watercolour paint

Afternoon: Producing our own pastel crayons

Day 5


Morning:  Drawing with our own pastel crayons on the handmade paper

Afternoon:  Art in mathematics


Schedule for Lausanne:

09h00-12h00 art workshops at Artiloft
12:00 p.m.-2:00 p.m. lunch break and transfer to X Labs
2:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m.  science workshops at X Labs

Children arrive at 9am at Artiloft and depart at 5pm from XLabs.

The participation in half-day (3 hours) is possible only in case of available spaces.

Half day price - 375 CHF. Full day price - 595 CHF.

Schedule for Montreux:

Only half day available (9h - 13h) at Artiloft Montreux with the price 375 CHF for 5 days.

  • Afternoon - outdoor games in nearby parks weather permitting. In case of rain, games and fun activities inside.

  • It is recommended that you dress your children in clothing that is practical, suitable for the weather and non-damaging.

  • Please provide a lunchbox, the children bring the homemade meal and heat it up on site if necessary. Meals are taken in groups with the animators.

  • Snack and afternoon tea are included, consisting of seasonal fruits, delicious cookies and cereal bars.

  • On request, possibility of arrival at 8 a.m. and/or late pick-up at 6 p.m. for a supplement of CHF 25 per hour.

Do you have any questions? Do not hesitate to contact us :

Thanks for submitting!

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